Van Rensburg & Partners SA Inc.



Information about the internal organs, soft tissue and blood vessels is acquired using X-rays transmitted from a CT machine, taken at different angles, resulting in a data set which undergoes post-processing techniques, to produce images. The images produced are analysed by a radiologist, to aid the diagnosis of a specific clinical problem.
CT uses X-rays to produce pictures or images of organs, soft tissue and blood vessels, to provide information in greater detail than regular x-ray examinations, ultrasound examination and fluoroscopy. The advantage of this imaging technique is its ability to acquire detailed cross-sectional imaging of all types of tissue in a relatively short period of time. Image acquisition time is within seconds.

Commonly performed indications include imaging of the following:

  • Brain, spine, chest and abdomen, in the clinical setting of acute trauma.
  • To evaluate acute abdominal pain which may be related to renal stones, appendicitis or other bowel related pathologies.
  • In the assessment of many chest diseases, including chest pain and coronary artery disease.  In suspected pulmonary thromboembolic disease.
  • Imaging of the brain, head and neck.
  • In the evaluation of aneurysms and peripheral vascular disease.
  • For purposes of staging in the many oncological diseases including lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, renal lesions, rectal cancer, pancreatic cancer.
  • CT is also used to assess for post-operative complications related to various surgeries.
  • CT guided biopsies are performed, in areas that are technically challenging for physicians or surgeons to sample. Most commonly performed CT guided biopsies include biopsies of the lung, liver lesions, kidneys and other chest or abdominal masses.
